Contents and other topics


The latest additions include several paintings and:.


1) A review of the modelling of trees by computer, including fractal trees, L-systems, biology-based models of growth, and CGI applications such as SpeedTree, UE5 and Houdini.

2) A simple account of photogrammetry -- the process of determining 3D information from 2D photographs. It covers the principles of calculating object positions in a scene from overlapping photos. Also stitching images together into a parorama, and other aspects of computer vision..

3) Drawing in perspective: How simple objects appear when drawn accurately. This includes a section on how computer graphics software rotates an object, plus an account of non-linear perspective using the map projections. A supporting article describes spherical triangles,

4) A simple question about a ladder leaning against a wall which leads to intriguing maths of ellipses and the astroid curve.

5) An attempt to find the largest sofa which can be manoeuvred round a 90 degree corner in a corridor (with animation). This is supported by statistics on the error in measuring the area of an arbitrary plane figure by counting the number of lattice points inside it.

6) Electrostatic field calculations relevant to electron lenses. Revisiting solutions of Laplace's equation in rectangular and cylindrical symmetry. My results for the conducting annulus may be new.

7 A short video of a chess game in CGI which I made in Blender from scratch.

8) two companion articles, one on Galois theory, the other on factoring polynomials, including those by Berlekamp and Cantor-Zassenhaus,

9) More of my own paintings, plus an article on Great Paintings of Western art. Within the paintings page is a section of figure drawings. .

10) an investigation of the paradoxical rapid oscillations of a mandarin orange and other flat-bottomed objects when tilted and released,

Other topics

"What makes a good tune?" I selected nearly 60 tunes from across the spectrum of Western music and dissected them to see what features they have in common. The article is here. There is also a subsidiary article about the shape of musical phrases and how mathematical curves can be fitted to these shapes.

A related and ongoing project is to write a suite of computer programs which carry out some of the basic functions in creating 'classical' music. This is still work in progress, but I have placed here an account of progress so far. It uses none of the sophisticated methods of artificial intelligence, but instead takes a step by step approach to creating a sequence of major and minor triads, converting them to 4-part harmony (like a hymn tune), then decorating the chords with rhythm and melody.

Some while ago I added a section on matrices and their eigenvalues. That page hosts two articles, one on numerical algorithms for calculating eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and the other, recently completed, is on some elementary aspects of random matrices. Over the last 60 years random matricies have found application in many branches of number theory, nuclear physics, biological systems, phase transformations, and finance.

On the Local History page is an article on Kepier water mill -- it's about the long-gone water corn mill at Kepier, Durham City, England, on the Local History page. There is another article about the CrossTown area of Knutsford, Cheshire.

Acoustics of the violin family: Here is a long article describing how sound is radiated from vibrating objects. You can download it here.   

There is also my account of how we hear the sound of a violin. It describes how our ears detect sounds and how we can recognise pitch and loudness. There are some sound clips of how the pitch and tone of low notes on a viola are perceived by our ears, explaining the Paradox of The Missing Fundamental !

Other sections are:

  • Sequences and Series is an introduction to mathematical analysis.   Analysis is that vast area of maths concerned with rigorous proof of the existence of limits of sequences, tests for convergence, continuity of functions, differentiability, and integration.   Here are the full texts of two books on analysis by my colleague Dr John Reade of the University of Manchester who sadly died in October 2022.  They are an undergraduate introduction to analysis, and a new, previously unpublished book on uniform convergence. My articles on the Euler-Maclaurin sum formuila and on Fourier series and the Fast Fourier Transform is here too.

    Continued Fractions were much studied in the 19th century, but now are largely forgotten.  They have many intriguing properties and applications in number theory, including giving the most economical approximation by rational numbers. Back in 2013 I added sections on Thiele's method for interpolating a given data set by fitting a rational function, and Gauss's hypergeometric function, plus other thoughts on continued fractions of functions f(x).

    Group Theory has interactive programs to 'teach-yourself' the basics of mathematical group theory.  The programs, called PermGroups and Word Groups, come with detailed instructions and fully worked examples.  Great for first year undergraduates who want to 'get a feel' for finite groups and representation theory.
  • Integrals of log(x) is a study of definite integrals of rational functions involving the logarithm, log(x), and polynomials, using complex variables.   Many fully worked examples of complex contour integration.  Useful for undergraduates who want to practice complex contour integration.
  • Puzzles and Problems are maths challenge problems with my solutions.
  • Music: I enjoy European classical music in an amateur way.  Here are three short pieces I have written
        i)  this is me live, playing a Baroque-style two part invention (mp3, 1.3 MB).
       ii)  a fugue played on flute, oboe and vibes and marimba.
      iii)  a more modern piece for oboe and piano -- "Chase".

    Here also are three examples of multi-track recording, with me playing all the instruments. A Trio Sonata movement by Handel, the Prelude to a concerto grosso by Corelli, and a minuet and trio from Haydn's quartet Op 20 No 4. I made these during the lock-down for Covid19 between Spring 2020 and Spring 2021.