theory. An informal account of the main idea with copious examples.
for factorising large polynomials,
reviewing basic background including congruences and Fermat's little
theorem, and explaining with many examples how the Distinct Degree,
Berlekamp and Cantor-Zassenhaus algorithms work, without going into
details about computing times.
of powers of integers and the Euler-Maclaurin
summation formula
A revision
article on Fourier series and transforms.
In it I give an illustrated account of the representation of periodic
functions by Fourier series, and extend this to the Fourier transform
of a non-periodic continuous function. Then I illustrate sampling
at discrete data points and the discrete Fourier transform. There
is a brief discussion of convolution and deconvolution with relevance
to recovering true signals from signals mixed with noise. An appendix
describes in some detail the fast Fourier Transform algorithm.
fractions . a comprehensive but non-specialist account
The shapes
of musical phrases.